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Weekly Reports

Report 1

Date: September 14, 2015


Current status of project:


We have completed our background research and compiled our design specifications. We formulated hypothesis to test in our client’s lab and conducted preliminary experiments. We tested the permeability of sperm cells through a membrane. It did not work quite as well as expected, and we will need to come up with better designs and need better equipment, which will be provided by our client starting this week.


Work planned for next week:

To re-design our experiment and to order any new equipment based on what we come up. We also need to take a lab safety training before we can start working in our client’s lab. This will be done in the coming week.



Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:

Our client Dr. Don Conrad will be providing us with space in the lab at the Med School starting this week. We need a better microscope potentially with a camera to image cells.



Report 2

Date: 9/21/15


Current status of project:


We have done more background research. We have also done a patent search, and found 2 patents that might have claims that we should be aware of while designing our project. We got clarifications on some of the specifications.


We have taken the lab safety training and attending a lab meeting in Dr. Conrad’s lab. We had our first wet lab experience in our client’s lab. The goal was to get familiar with the equipment. We tested the “simple wash” method of purifying sperm. We were able to isolate sperm and count them using a microscope with an attached camera. Here’s a picture:




















Notice the different sizes in morphology with this method. Selecting for the right morphology is one of our design specifics.



Work planned for next week:

To work on the paper that is due on Friday and to prepare the presentation for next week as well. We will also attend another lab meeting at Dr. Conrad’s lab and hope to get some feedback on our ideas from the lab members and any suggestions they might have.


Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:

We have a tentative idea for testing a chemoattractant but have not yet designed it completely. We need the opinion of our client on its feasibility and whether we have all the equipment in lab to perform it.

We wish to attend the TA office hours on Tuesday 9/22 to get feedback on our draft.



Report 3

Date: 9/28/15


Current status of project:


No progress was made on the actual project as most of the time was spent on writing the report and making the presentation.


Work planned for next week:


To conduct experiments using progesterone, including establishing a gradient, to see if sperm can visibly swim towards the hormone.


Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:


Nothing for this week, except if possible, our lab notebooks to be returned by Wednesday.



Report 4

Date: 10/05/15


Current status of project:

This week, we modified our protocol of using HEPES as our buffer since a majority of the sperm cells seemed to be dying faster than expected in it. According to literature, there has to be some bicarbonate in HEPES to balance the osmolarity. Instead, we decided to switch to PBS (Phosphate buffered saline) as our buffer, as it is just as effective for our purpose.


We also did a progesterone experiment wherein a sample of sperm cells with the progesterone were much more excited and motile compared to a negative control. Video imaging using our microscope was also set up.


Work planned for next week:

To quantify the effect of progesterone using video imaging and vector analysis of average sperm cell movement. Also, to begin work on the prototype design.


Anything needed from client or TA or instructor to continue work:

We needed a sperm-cell specific glass slide for helping us count and track the cells.

Our client suggested this as a possible solution -

Dr. Conrad will make these available this week and we can try them out.

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